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GDPR Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy for those residing within the EEA.

MN INTER-FASHION (HK) CO., LTD (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) represents that the Company will comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant laws and regulations in handling personal data or information of those who are residing in the EEA (hereinafter referred to as “Regional Information Providers”), and appropriately use such data or information within the scope of our business.

This Privacy Policy is applicable to the Regional Information Providers who use our services and are protected by GDPR or other relevant laws and regulations.

1. Legal basis

The Company will, subject to the prior approval of the Regional Information Providers, use their personal data or information for the purpose of performing the rights and obligations under the contracts in connection with the Regional Information Providers or obtaining due interests.

2. Acquisition of personal data and purpose of use

The Company may obtain personal data or information such as employer’s name, name, address, e-mail address which are required for performing the Company’s business. In addition, the Company may obtain access history of IP addresses, cookies, etc. in order to respond to inquiries from the Regional Information Providers and improve the Company’s business operation in the future.

3. Retention period of personal data

The Company will retain personal data or information within the period required for carrying out the above-mentioned purposes to the Regional Information Providers. Once the retention period is over, it will be erased immediately.

4. Cookies

The Company is using the cookies to ensure that the Company’s website functions properly, and using the third-parties’ cookies solely for improving the quality and effectiveness of the Company’s site. The Company is using the Google Analytics as well.
In most browsers of the Company’s website, the cookies default to be active. It is possible to set the cookies inactive and display such setting in sending the cookies by changing the setting of browsers.

However, if cookies are set inactive, features on the websites of the Company or others or the Company’s services may not function properly.

5. Rights of the Regional Information Providers

The Regional Information Providers have the right to withdraw their consent to the use of their personal data or information by the Company. In addition,the Regional Information Providers have the right to access, correct, erase, restrict on processing and transport such data or information, and object to use of such data or information by the Company. Please contact the following person in charge for details in exercising the rights described above.

Contact us
In charge of GDPR handling contact

6. Security

When the Company uses personal data or information of the Regional Information Providers, the Company takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure proper security to such data or information.


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